March Meeting Registration
The Benjamin Franklin Chapter is honored to present Thomas Domitrovich, Director, Codes and Standards, Eaton, as our featured speaker this month. Our topic is Transformer Protection. This comprehensive session will review the proper selection of overcurrent protective devices and primary and secondary conductors to meet the NEC requirements and design considerations. We will also explore how to address the electrical hazard of incident energy on the secondary of the transformer, a particularly dangerous location in a power distribution system. This is not to be missed!
Thomas A. Domitrovich is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Pennsylvania and a LEED Associate Professional with Eaton's electrical sector. Mr. Domitrovich has global codes and standards responsibilities for the electrical and industrial sectors of Eaton and assists customers in the proper application of Eaton solutions to manufacturer instructions, and codes & standards. Thomas sits on NEC Code Making Panels 2 and 10, NFPA 110/111, NFPA 78/1078, NFPA 73, & NFPA 790/791. Mr. Domitrovich is very active with IAEI, too. He is the Western Section Education Chair, the Treasurer of the West Virginia Chapter, and sits on the International Board of Directors. He is also the host of the IAEI NEWS LIVE podcast!
Our meeting is sponsored by Billows.