September Meeting Registration
We hope you had a fun-filled summer! The Benjamin Franklin Chapter is delighted to host a presentation on Article 517, Healthcare Facilities, at this month's meeting. We will spend two hours discussing Essential Electrical Systems, Wiring Methods, Isolated Ground Receptacles, Codes & Standards, Isolated Power Systems, and more. Our presenters have decades of experience with these uncommon electrical systems. Understanding the unique hazards associated with the human body and medical equipment is critical to installing and inspecting these complex power frameworks. Ensuring continuity of power in the event of a utility failure saves lives and allows ongoing care to continue. Join us as we share the knowledge you need to get it right!
Our presenters will be Randy Stoddard, 1st VP of our chapter, and Michal Hofkin, the chapter secretary. Randy is the Supervisor of Electricians at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He is a former contractor and airport electrician. Randy sits on the NFPA 99 Technical Committee on Electrical Systems and NEC Code Making Panel 15. Michal is a Lead Regulatory Engineer with UL Solutions. He has over 35 years of teaching experience in the electrical industry. Michal is a former contractor, electrical inspector, and plans examiner. This interactive PowerPoint presentation will educate you and answer your questions. Can you afford to miss this opportunity?